Plot line

Plot line
For our media product, the plot was something that we struggled to come up with because we had already decided that we wanted to do a psychological thriller, but just needed to think of a plot to match the genre.

Below are some initial plot lines:
1) The main character is a young teenage male. He is seen in a normal bedroom setting just getting out of bed and getting dressed. This would make it appear that nothing is wrong to the audience. The boy would then go out for a run in a park and see a mysterious figure in the distance which would keep appearing. At the end of the opening the boy would die but the audience would not know why or how. This idea was inspired by a past AS media studies short film that we found on youtube called Victim. We felt that this would be a good story line to model our own product on because it would be very effective as a psychological thriller. However, we felt that we wanted to make our film opening a little more interesting and also wanted to challenge ourselves, so we felt that this plot would be too simplistic.

2) A second plot line would open with teenagers at a party which is seemingly normal. However the focus would be on one particular girl who would keep seeing mysterious shapes and strange figures. The screen would go blank and resume with flashbacks of a murder taking place. At the end the room would be full of dead bodies and the girl would be standing in the middle of the room covered in blood. The full length film would be about the lead up to this event and would reveal what actually happened. We thought that this would be a good plot because it would attract our young adult target audience and also would focus well on the psychological aspect of the genre because it would make the audience feel on edge. However, upon greater deliberation we decided that this plot would be far too elaborate and complicated to carry out effectively (in contrast to no.1) because a lot of special effects such as fake blood would be needed, and also a large amount of people would be needed to film the party scene. This would take too much time to organise and we would need to be reliant on a lot of people and this could cause problems to our filming schedule.

3) A third story line that we proposed was more based on the dystopian genre but also links well to horror. It would be set in a futuristic dystopian city that is desolate, dirty, empty and not pleasant at all. The opening would focus on a group of teenagers who are trying to survive in this environment and are running through the streets when they encounter a masked killer who chases them all and kills them off one by one. This would be an effective film opening because it would include the main aspects and conventions of a horror/thriller with a masked killer, teenagers in a city setting and death taking place. However, the setting would be almost impossible to create with the equipment that we have and would require a lot of special effects. In addition, if we were to film in a suburban street location, we would have to warn nearby residents that we were filming a project because the murder scenes would have to be filmed in these areas. 


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