Shooting scripts with dates

30th December 2016
  • We began the filming process of our opening sequence, starting with the inside scenes filmed inside the garage.
  • In order to film here we had to cover parts of the garage in sheets, to make the room look more bland and dis-used.
  • We blew up and air bed, spread clothes around the room, got a bucket, sponge and toothbrush and placed them appropriately in shot of the camera in order to improve the mise en scene.
  • Then we began filming, starting with the beginning scenes of the phone, and then moving onto the packing scene and the scene where she exits the door. It was important to film all movements from a variety of angles so during the editing process we could use match on action, and make the editing look more swift, and reduce sudden jump cuts.
15th January 2017
  • On this day we began filming at about 6pm in order for it to be dark outside. We started with the scenes in which the girl can be seen leaving the garage, and edited it together from the scenes we filmed on the 30th to make it look like one smooth movement.
  • We then moved onto filming all the scenes inside the cab, and used camera and angles and camera movements such as pans, close ups and hand held cameras in order to create tension for the audience.
  • After this we went to the footpath where we filmed all the scenes used in the alley way. Including the shots of the protagonist lying on the floor, and the scenes in which the killer can be seen walking away.

26th January 2017
  • We then filmed all the close up shots in the footpath. Including the scene of the cutting hair, close ups of the bruises and shoes, and any other parts of the scene that needed to be re-filmed.
  • Finally we went back to the cab scene, and filmed close ups of the killers eyes in the wing mirror and the trinkets hanging from his cab.


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